Quarantine Season
Explores an active lifestyle despite the very tedious circumstances...
Adobe Illustrator, Character Design
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Finding Solutions using Cloud Services, Data Analytics, Research and Syntantic Sugar
.py|.r|.rmd|.gs - az|aws
I hold a bachelors in Demography and Social Statistics
Currently pursuing a Masters in Business and Artificial Intelligence as well as looking for employment and working towards gaining more expertise and certifications in Machine Learning Operations and MS Azure Cloud Services.
Social Statistics, Machine Learning, Design and Strategy. Download Resume
Explores an active lifestyle despite the very tedious circumstances...
Adobe Illustrator, Character Design
A co-produced a social works themed Podcast - Alté as an alternate to life the way we live it..
Anchor, Podcast, Alternative
Utilizing MS Excel to analyze and visualize daily Covid-19 cases in Nigeria
Covid-19, MS Excel, Dashboards
An array of dashboards, with focus on Nigeria and Africa.
Dashboards, Tableau Public, Analytics
A readability application that processes your google docs for compliance.
Google Apps Scripts, Google cloud Platform, Google Docs
Utilizing R & Rmds to report opinion poll in Ondo State, Nigeria.
R, Descriptive Statistics, Reports
Utilizing Pycharm scripts to explore and visualize various datasets.
Python, EDAs
Utilizing Jupyter Notebooks to build and validate models [algorithm].
Python, Model Building, Supervised Learning
WIP: -.
AWS, AZ, MLOPs, Prefect, MLFlow, Orchestration, Micro-services, Python, Model Building, Supervised Learning
Utilizing ML for computer vision to manipulate real time data.
Python, Streamlit, Computer vision, Machine Learning
Utilizing supervised learning to predict in real time.
Python, Streamlit, Model Building, Supervised Learning, Machine Learning
Drugs Prescription [Placeholder]
END-TO-END: Googlesheet as Database
Digit Classifier:
Utilizing transfer learning to classify written digits
tensorflow, keras, python, computer_vision
Drowsiness Detection:
Utilizing deep learning for binary classification of real time images for drowsiness
YOLOV5, python, computer_vision
Face Mask Detection 😷:
Utilizing YOLOv5 & PyTorch's transfer learning to binary classify mask-appearance
binary classification, pytorch, Yolov5, python, computer_vision
Brain Tumour Detection 🧠:
Utilizing Deep Learning on thousands of images on brain tumour to determine tumour classification; Application is secondary to Professional medical and expert advice.
binary classification, pytorch, Yolov5, python, computer_vision